Club Captain: Neil Leeder Tel. 711 04 06 10 Email:
President: Adrian Leitch Tel. 711 03 57 18 Email:
Competition Secretary: Tony Harris Tel 711 08 30 87 Email:
Zurgena Singles League 2025
This competition will run from January to April depending on the number of entries so please do not enter if you cannot commit to completing your fixtures. Markers will be allocated on a rotational basis; it is your responsibility to find a replacement if you are unable to mark.
The entry fee is 5 euros per player which must be paid to the Competition Secretary
before the closing date of December 16th.
1. Games will be played in line with Crystal Marks 4th Edition where not covered below.
2. This competition will comprise of two leagues with each player playing each other in a round robin format. The winner of Group A will play the winner of Group B in the final. Winner of the final is the Event Champion.
3. Games will be played as per the schedule on Mondays commencing at 1400hrs.
4. The games will consist of two sets of 9 ends each with two trial ends allowed. The winner will be the player with the most sets won. In the event of a tie after the two sets a tie break of three ends will be played, the toss of a coin to decide who has the mat. The winner in the tie break will be the player who wins the most ends in the tie break.
5. There will be 2 points awarded for a win. In the event of a tie on the league table then the number of shots will come into play. If these are tied, then the result of the game between the two tied players will count.
6. Dead ends to be replayed.
7. Visiting the head is allowed after delivery of the second bowl.
8. Due to unforeseen circumstances, a player may cancel up to a maximum of 3 games for the duration of the league but only on the proviso that the cancelled game(s) is played prior to the next scheduled games, i.e. within a week. The player cancelling the match must give two dates and times to their opponent for the rearranged game who can choose one. The player cancelling the match is responsible for finding a marker. Any cancelled game not played within this time limit will be awarded to the player who was available to play on the original date with 2 points for the win and + 5 shots. Any player with more than 3 cancelled games will be expelled from the league and their records will be null and void.
9. Late arrival. If a player is more than 10 minutes late or advises they cannot play, the game will be awarded to their opponent with 2 points for the win and + 5 shots
10. If a player withdraws from the league the results of all their fixtures will become null and void.
11. A condition of entry is that you agree to Mark as required.
12. The Organisers reserve the right to make changes or alterations.