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Club Rules

  • All visitors and guests are invited to play providing they observe the rules of the Club and pay the appropriate fees before commencing play.

  • All visitors and guests must be signed in by a member who will always be available during opening times.

  • Members will be responsible for visitors they sign in and must adhere to the rules and etiquette of the Bowls Club.

  • Please be smartly attired. Whites are preferred on Club Roll-Up Days, but this is optional. Gentlemen, please don’t wear vests, singlets or sleeveless tops. Ladies may wear sleeveless blouses.

  • Members MUST wear recognised bowls shoes with a smooth sole or re-soled shoes with a smooth, flat sole when walking on the green.

  • Visiting bowlers will only be allowed on the green if they wear recognised bowls shoes with a smooth sole or re-soled shoes with a smooth, flat sole.

  • Any new bowlers taking advantage of our free coaching sessions must wear flat soled shoes.

  • Smoking is only allowed in designated smoking areas.

  • Members wishing to bowl outside of roll up sessions must contact one of the keyholders below to arrange collection of keys for the gate padlock and gents’ toilets. Upon leaving, the keys must be left in the white mailbox behind the shed and the keyholder informed. The last person to leave must ensure the toilet is locked and the padlock is secured on the entrance gate.

  • Key Holders: Maureen Hanratty,+34 678 40 38 99, Shootsie, +44 7845 99 09 22, Donald Garden, +44 7715 45 10 94, Carole Thomas +34 677 74 87 39 and John Pooley  +34 626 66 65 8

  • An appointment book will be kept in the office at the club where members can book rinks for non-roll up sessions. It will be the responsibility of the member wishing to book a rink to attend the club during opening times to write the booking in the book themselves.

  • Members may bring guests to bowl at the club, but they must be bowlers and wear the appropriate footwear. Guests must be signed in and pay the 5-euro green fee. 

  • Outside of roll ups the tea hut can only be opened for refreshments if a committee member is present at all times who will be responsible for sales and security.

  •      ON THE GREEN:

  • Bowling is not allowed on a Monday before 1pm.

  • Mobile phones are not allowed on the green, the only exception being if the member is awaiting an emergency phone call. In this instance they must inform a committee member and their opposition before play commences.

  • Eating and smoking are not allowed on the green. Liquid containers must be left on the periphery of the green, behind the ditch and bank.

  • At the end of your game please remove all possessions from the green and put all equipment away including mats, jacks and trolleys.

  • Any member verbally abusing any of the volunteers who run this club will be liable to sanctions which may include a period of suspension.

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